(PHP 4 >= 4.3.0, PHP 5 serial port. This function is not implemented on Windows platforms. Multi-platform convenience class to access the serial port from PHP. Xowap / PHP-Serial. This works on both linux and windows (if // your linux serial. I am looking for a way to communicate with RS232 serial COM port on windows. I have found 2 solutions on the net, one which is not totally free (introduces deliberate delays on the function) and an. Read serial port with PHP is so simple in Linux machine for windows will write another article soon. Just download the read serial port with php script just below. And extract it to your /var/www/html/ folder. Try composer require hyperthese/php-serial The only tiny gotcha is you need to make sure the user/program is able to access the dialout group. For example, apache requires a sudo usermod -a -G dialout www-data.
Php Serial Port Windows Server
I am tired of working with Serial comport to send and receive data ( Windows ). I have tried every possible way. Every time i got able to connect and send data. But when it comes to receiving lines script got hanged.
I am sure device which is connected to comport is working as it returned data when reading through windows power shell.
![Php Php](http://www.getmicros.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/arduino-serial-out.jpg)
There are two most common methods i have tried are:
1 PhpSerial.php ( Line: 597 )
2 Direct-Dio library
By using Direct-Diogetting Hanged on > $data = dio_read($bbSerialPort, 1024);
I din't find any solution on internet.